150 years is an important milestone to celebrate! 32 Echo Battery are celebrating their 150th year anniversary Dec 1st and 2nd, 2017 with a number of events planned.

While it is Echo Battery’s celebration, we also recognise that there is considerable affiliated history with other organisations, for example; 3 Fd Regt, 31 Battery etc, so we also invite ex gunners from other regiments to the celebration as well.

The celebrations will take place in Christchurch with following planned events;
• Friday 1 Dec -  Social Drinks at Trenches (Christchurch RSA)
• Saturday 2 Dec - Tour of historic Artillery Sites in Christchurch
• Saturday 2 Dec - formal dinner at Trenches

If you are interested in attending or would like to recommend
someone to come along, then drop us an email at;

32E Battery
150th Anniversary Organising Committee