Advisory Service

Support Advisers

There is a highly qualified Support Adviser  identifiedin each of the Districts. These Advisers are  familiar with the processes involved  in claiming for Veterans Disability Entitlements, and may help with specific individual cases, or provide advice to the members on how to make contact with the appropriate agency.

In 2012 the RNZA Assn Support Advisers are:

Northern Peter Miles Mob:  027 4762731
Central/ PN tba (contact any of the other Support Advisers)  
Wellington Lindsay Skinner Mob:  027 5303319
Christchurch Pat Duggan Mob:  021 02615773
Dunedin tba (contact the Christchurch Support Adviser)  


RNZRSA Delegate

A Full Member of the Association is appointed to be the Official Delegate  to the RNZRSA. In addition to attending National RNZRSA Meetings (as appropriate for affiliated associations) and disseminating a brief report from these meetings,  he is to maintain an overview on Support Issues.  He is to encourage the development of Veteran Liaison Networks within the Districts, and provide RNZRSA Support information (as appropriate) to the Districts.

The RNZRSA Delegate is David Weston Ph 04 9384060.