Constitution and Rules




1. The Association shall be called ‘The Royal New Zealand Artillery Association
(Incorporated)’ herein referred to as ‘the Association’.
2. The Association was originally formed for ex-members of the New Zealand Armed
Constabulary, Permanent Militia, Permanent Artillery, Torpedo Corps, Submarine Mining Corps and the Royal New Zealand Artillery Regular Force and, when first incorporated, was known as The New Zealand Permanent Forces Old Comrades Association.
3. The letters 'RNZA' throughout these rules refer to and include the Royal Regiment of New Zealand Artillery, the Royal New Zealand Artillery, and the New Zealand Artillery, members of which are known collectively as ‘Gunners’, whether currently serving or not and regardless of rank.

4. The Office of the Association shall be set up by the Secretary and situated at a place of convenience that will enable the Association’s business to be carried out in a productive and efficient manner.
5. When the address of the Association's Office is changed, notice shall be sent to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies within seven days of the change of office.
6. All Association correspondence shall be addressed to The Secretary, RNZA Association, at the registered address.

7. The aim of the Association is to promote the fellowship and support the wellbeing of all those who have served the guns.

8. The objectives of the Association are to:
a. Be the principal association for Gunners in New Zealand.
b. Represent, and make representations on behalf of, all Gunners for their betterment.
c. Communicate and maintain links with the wider Gunner fraternity in
New Zealand and internationally.
d. Maintain RNZA traditions through observance, promotion, and education.
e. Enhance the comradeship and esprit de corps of the RNZA.
f. As means allow, assist and support any Gunner in need whether a member of the Association or not.
g. Raise funds, through donations, gifts, and bequests, for charitable use by the Association.
h. Pay due honour and respect to deceased Gunners by attending their funerals, and remembering them on; Anzac Day, Gunners' Day, St Barbara’s Day, and at other formal occasions as appropriate.

9. Any income, benefit, or advantage must be to advance the charitable purposes of the Association.
10. No member of the Association or any person associated with that member shall take part in or influence any decision made by the Association in respect of any payments of any income, benefit, or advantage to or on behalf of that member or associated person.
11. Any payment made to a member of the Association or person associated with that member must be for goods or services that advance the charitable purpose and must be reasonable and relative to payments that would be made to unrelated parties.


12. The Executive Committee may admit people of good standing as Members of the Association in the following categories as appropriate:
a. Full Members.  Full Members must be current or former serving
New Zealand Army Gunners who have served a minimum of three months in an RNZA organisation.  Full Members have full voting rights and may serve on the Executive Committee.
b. Associate Members.  Associate Members must be either a:
i.      Current or former serving New Zealand Defence Force or foreign armed services person who has been posted, attached, or served with an RNZA organisation for a minimum of three months.
ii.      Gunner who has served with an army artillery organisation, other than the RNZA, for a minimum of one year.
iii.      Close family member of an Association Full or Life Member, or to a deceased person who would have qualified as a Full Member had they applied.
iv.      Person with a close affinity with the Association or RNZA, not covered by any
           of the above categories, and deemed at meriting membership.
Associate Members have no voting rights.  
c. Life Members.  Life Members are to be elected at an AGM and are to be Full
          Members who have rendered outstanding or valuable service to the
          Association over an extended period, or distinguished service to the RNZA.
          Proposals for Life Membership are to be nominated and seconded by two Full or Life
          Members.  Proposals are to be and made in writing, outlining the reasons for the
          nomination, and addressed to the Association Secretary prior to the AGM. 

d. Honorary Members.  Any person who has rendered outstanding or valuable
          service to the Association or RNZA, but is not eligible for Full Membership. 
          Honorary Members may not serve on the Executive Committee. 

13. All intending Full and Associate Members shall complete the Application for Registration and send it to the Secretary.
14. Applications for Full and Associated membership shall be considered by the Committee and to be accepted must be approved by a minimum of 60% of the full Committee.
15. Proposals for Honorary and Life Membership shall be in the form of a letter outlining fully the reasons why that the person should be considered. The recommendation shall be proposed and seconded by two Full or Life Members of the Association and forwarded to the Secretary for approval by the Committee. 
16. The Committee shall have absolute authority to refuse any application for membership, reinstatement of membership, or to dismiss any member for good and sufficient reason, subject to that member being given the right to state their case to the Committee in person or in writing.

17. Membership in the Association will cease in the following circumstances;
a. death of a Member,
b. resignation by the Member, or
c. dismissal by the Committee. 

18. Members are not required to pay any subscription.  The Association reserves the right to institute subscriptions at any time in the future, subject to majority support from an annual or special general meeting.


19. Ten members shall form a quorum at any Annual General Meeting or at any Special General Meeting.
20. At all meetings the presiding officer or Member shall be entitled to deliberate as well as give a casting vote.
21. Only Full Members and Life Members shall be entitled to vote at any Annual, Special or Committee Meeting.
22. The method of voting at all meetings shall be by Mover and Seconder and voted for by voice or show of hands.  If the decision given is challenged, then another vote on the subject at issue shall immediately be taken either by show of hands, or by ballot if requested by the challenging member.
23. Any Annual General, Special General or Committee Meeting may be adjourned from time to time for good and sufficient reason.

24. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held not later than 7 December in each year.  Notice of an AGM and copies of the annual reports from the Committee, including the accounts, shall be published on the Association's web site ( and circulated by email to Members not later than seven days prior to the date of the AGM.
25. Business to be transacted at the AGM shall include as a minimum:
a. acceptance of annual reports and accounts by a majority of the Members in attendance,
b. election of Officers of the Executive Committee,
c. Notices of Motion, and
d. General Business as may be brought forward.

26. A Special General Meeting may be called at any time by the Executive Committee.
It shall be called on an application in writing signed by no fewer than twelve Full or Life Members. Due notice of every Special General Meeting shall be published on the Association's web site and circulated by email to Members not later than seven days prior to the date of the meeting.
27. At any Special General Meeting, or at any meeting held in lieu by reason of a previous adjournment, the specified subject for consideration shall be discussed and any other business that may be brought forward.


28. The affairs of the Association shall be administered by the Executive Committee which shall consist of the:
a. President.
b. Vice President (who shall be elected by the Executive Committee from its members).
c. Treasurer.
d. Secretary.
e. Members (up to six).
f. RNZA Regimental Warrant Officer (WO).
g. 16th Field Regiment Representative (a designated Major, Captain, or WO).
29. Executive Committee is to be comprised of Full or Life Members only.
30. The positions of Treasurer and Secretary may be held by the same person.
31. The RNZA Regimental WO and 16th Field Regiment Representative are required to be members of the Association in order to serve on the Executive Committee.
32. The Executive Committee, less RNZA Regimental WO and 16th Field Regiment Representative, shall be elected at the AGM. The elected Officers shall retire annually, but remain eligible for re-election. Any vacancy that occurs during the year following the AGM may be filled by the Executive Committee.
33. The office of Patron shall be determined by the Executive Committee on the death or resignation of the previous Patron.
34. The Patron of the Association and the Colonel Commandant of the Royal Regiment of New Zealand Artillery shall be entitled, ex-officio, to attend meetings of the Committee.
35. The Executive Committee shall meet regularly, but no less than twice yearly, as the President and Secretary decide. The President, or in his absence the Vice President, shall Chair the meetings.
36. The quorum for any meeting of the Executive Committee is six members, one of which is to be the President, or Vice President in the event that the President is unable to attend.  Participation in any Executive Committee meeting may be by electronic means using the internet or telephone.
37. Any member of the Executive Committee who has been absent from committee meetings on three consecutive occasions shall forfeit their position, unless the Committee is satisfied that their absence was unavoidable.
38. Sub-Committees may be appointed from time to time to carry out any special duties authorised by the Executive Committee.
39. The Executive Committee may co-opt members of the Association from time to time for specific duties or projects.  Such members, if invited by the President, may participate in Executive Committee meetings but do not have voting powers.

40. The Secretary is responsible for:
a. Convening, attending, and recording the minutes for all meetings by the Association
          and the Executive Committee.
b. Proper keeping in physical or electronic form of the Association's records including;
i. Register of Members and their addresses,
ii. Minute Book,
iii. Files of inward and outward correspondence, and
iv. Property Register as supplied under Rule 48.

41. The Treasurer is responsible for:
a. Proper keeping of the Association's books of account by physical or electronic
           means including;
i. receipt, bank cheque, and deposit books,
ii. cash book,
iii. files of paid and unpaid accounts and bank statements, and
iv. petty cash book.
b. Providing an up-to-date statement of funds available to all meetings of the
          Association and the Executive Committee.
c. Gaining approval from the President, or Vice President in the absence of the
          President, for payment of accounts promptly.
d. Preparation and submission of a statement of accounts to be duly examined and
          reported to the AGM as provided by the Examination of Accounts Rules below.
e. Submitting returns to Charities Services, Incorporated Societies, and other Government agencies as required.

42. The financial year shall be from 1 October in the one year to 30 September of the following year.
43. The funds and property of the Association shall be under the control of the Executive Committee.
44. All moneys received shall be deposited to the credit and in the name of The Royal New Zealand Artillery Association (Incorporated) in a bank approved by the Executive Committee. The account or any sub-account shall be managed by at least two members of the Executive Committee they being the Treasurer and either the President, the Vice President, or the Secretary.

45. The Executive Committee shall appoint at least two capable and experienced persons who together will examine the records and accounts of the Association and report their findings to the AGM. The Examiners shall:
a. Have right of access at all times to the financial books, accounts and vouchers of
           the Association.
b. Be entitled to require from Executive Committee Officers and Members such
           information and explanations as may be deemed necessary for the performance
           of their duties.
c. Examine the Treasurer's accounts and Annual Balance Sheet, and if they find
           them correct certify accordingly by affixing their signatures thereto.
46. No Executive Committee member shall be appointed as an Examiner.
47. The Executive Committee may at any time appoint a professionally qualified Auditor to examine the financial affairs of the Association.
48. A majority of members at any properly convened AGM or Special General Meeting may direct that the Executive Committee act under Rule 51.

49. The Committee shall appoint one of its members to maintain an up-to-date record of the Association's physical assets of all kinds and to arrange for their safe-keeping. The record shall be supplied to the Secretary for inclusion in the Association's files.

50. These Rules may at any time be amended by a resolution passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the Members of the Association present at the Annual General Meeting, or at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose. Notice of any such amendments shall be duly given to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies.
51. The notice of any intention to move for amendment of any Rule shall be given in writing to the Secretary not less than thirty days prior to the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting or if warranted a Special General Meeting, and shall be notified to members not later than seven days before such meeting.
52. The decisions of the Executive Committee on any question relating to or interpretation of these Rules, the rights or claims of any Member, or any matter concerning the Association shall be conclusive and final, provided that in any matter concerning the rights of a member the Association shall comply with the principles of natural justice.

53. No member shall have any right of action in a Court of Law against the Association, or against any Officer or Member of the Association in relation to any matter relating to or connected with the affairs of the Association or as between themselves and any member thereof with respect to or concerning Association matters.
54. Officers of the Association appointed under Rules 27 and 29 or related rules are indemnified by the Association against the adverse outcome of any decision or action taken in performing their duties under these rules lawfully and in good faith. This indemnity shall be recorded as part of any contract entered into by or on behalf of the Association.

55. The Association may be wound up voluntarily if at a Special General Meeting its Members pass a resolution requiring it to be wound up. The resolution to wind up the Association shall be further confirmed at a second Special General Meeting to be held not earlier than thirty (30) days after the date of the first meeting. A simple majority is required to pass the resolution. If the confirming resolution is lost, the earlier resolution lapses. If the confirming resolution is passed, the members must appoint one (1) or more liquidators to wind up the affairs of the Association provided that:
b. The Association shall be wound up in accordance with the provisions of the
           Incorporated Societies Act 2022, Incorporated Societies Regulations 2023, and the
           Charities Act 2022, and their amendments.
c. The assets of the Association shall after payment of all debts and liabilities be
           distributed to the RNZA Corps Fund for charitable purposes, or in the event that the
           entity does not exist, to another entity for charitable purposes as decided by the
           Executive Committee.
d. Other than for services rendered, Association funds are not to be used on
           dissolution for the private gain of any individual member in accordance with
           Rule 10.

Passed by unanimous vote at the RNZA Association Annual General Meeting held at Trentham Military Camp on Saturday 28 October 2023.