2017 Gunners Day Celebrations - Wellington

Greetings to all Wellington Gunners

The 301st Gunners Day falls on Friday 26 May 2017.

Events in Wellington are:
a.    Commemorative Service - National War Memorial, Pukeahu, Buckle Street 1200hrs (midday)

Short service including laying of wreath on RNZA niche in the Hall of Memories - all welcome, medals to be worn.

Opportunity for fellowship will follow the service.

b.    Gunners Day Dinner - Bellamys Restaurant, Parliament Building, 1830hrs (hosted by the Office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs)

Pre Dinner drinks in Bowen House Art Space - final viewing of 'Soldier’s Five: A Veteran’s Journey’ art exhibition 1830 to 1900 (see note below regarding Security)

Dinner in Bellamys Restaurant - 1900 to later. 3 course meal, wine and port for toasts included.

Cost: $100 per head (includes Pre Dinner drinks, wine and port. Cash Bar available after dinner)

Registration: deposit $100 per attendee in my ANZ account 06 0529 0479162 03, and email me (david.elizabeth@xtra.co.nz) using Gunners Dinner Names as email title and listing Given and Family names for all attendees (Security requirement).

Security:    As well as providing names as above, the following are requirements of Parliamentary Security:
i.    Entry is via Lambton Quay entrance to Bowen House - Security Desk will close soon after 1830 so you should plan to be in the building BEFORE 1830hrs.This entrance is about 20 metres down Lambton Quay from corner with Bowen Street.
ii.    Only those people whose names have been provided to Security by me will be admitted (see above).
iii.    Following the viewing of the Art Exhibition, move via Travellator to Bellamys Restaurant, Beehive Building.
iv.    Exit following dinner will be via Security Desk located in vestibule between the Beehive and the main Parliament Building

If you know of any serving or former Gunner in the Wellington area, PLEASE pass these details onto them.

David Weston
Wellington Coordinator RNZA Assn