22(D) Bty and Wellington Artillery 150th Anniversary Reunion. Registrations of Interest

To register your interest in attending the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of Wellington Artillery Volunteers and reunion of 22(D) Battery RNZA in Wellington over the weekend of 21/22/23 of July 2017 please contact Craig Hewett at craighewett@xtra.co.nz or Ph: 09 4736063  Mobile 027 4736004.

The invitation is open to all Gunners and your other halves.

Click here for a list of known former 22 Bty persons. If you are not on the list, or can provide extra names, or can help us fill in contact details for anyone on the list who we do not have marked as having a known email address please contact Craig Hewett at craighewett@xtra.co.nz or Ph: 09 4736063  Mobile 027 4736004.
