Dunedin: 150th Anniversary, B Bty NZFA - 31 B Bty RNZA

The function will be held at Custom House, 18 Fryatt Street, Dunedin which is a restaurant situated on the harbour’s edge. 

We are gathering there at 1630 for pre-dinner drinks. 

We will have the two guns perched overlooking Dunedin harbour with the plan being that before dinner is served at 2000 hours we will fire both guns, to be confirmed but we are looking at five plus rounds. We will then be bagpiped through to the dining room for a three course meal.

We are working on a ladies dine in formal dinner scenario.   After dinner and the traditional toasts we will have a birthday cake, tea, coffee, more drinks and a small school band playing mood music.

Dress for the evening is black tie, mess kit may be worn if desired; a couple of other crusty old gunners will be wearing their mess kit, more of a sentimental theme than anything else. Medals to be worn.