Bay of Plenty/Coromandel St Barbara's day casual gunner lunch. Monday 4th December

We are having a casual get together and lunch to mark St Barbara's Day, on Monday 4th December at the Waihi Beach RSA “Gunners View” Restaurant for all BOP/Coromandel gunners and their wives, husbands, and partners. We will meet at 11.30am in the bar, for lunch at midday, on Monday 4th December 2017. It is intended to be a casual get together with very few formalities, and I suggest just neat/tidy casual dress. We will be individually ordering and paying from the restaurant’s normal lunch menu, where main courses start from about $12.00.

If you would like to attend and haven't already been contacted please RSVP via email to Chris Morriss at by Wednesday 29th November, as I want to finalise numbers for our booking by then.
