Changeover of Colonel Commandant, RNZA

The RNZA Association welcomes Lt Col (Retd) Matt Beattie as the new Colonel Commandant, RNZA, and wishes him well in the post. We also say many thanks to the outgoing Col Comdt, Lt Col (Retd) Barry Dreyer for his wonderful work and exceptional dedication as Colonel Commandant for the last six years.

Click here for more information on the Colonel Commandant role and its history.

Click here for a biography of the new Colonel Commandant, Matt Beattie.

Below are some images from the handover parade at 16 Field Regt RHQ at Linton. Thanks to David Bahler for use of his images.

Col Matt Boggs, Regimental Colonel, RNZA and Lt Col Ben Bagley, CO 16 Field Regt

WO1 Richard Theodore, RSM 16 Field Regt

Colours on parade

Outgoing Colonel Commandant, Barry Dreyer

Incoming Colonel Commandant, Matt Beattie, with Lt Col (Rtd) Theo Couper to the right

The handover of the Colonel Commandant's Patu