Defence White Paper 2015 Public Consultation Information

The Government has directed that a review of its defence policy be conducted over the course of 2015.  The Defence White Paper 2010 represented the first comprehensive articulation of New Zealand’s defence policy this century. Since publication it has provided Defence with the direction it needs to be able to effectively prioritise the roles and tasks it undertakes, both at home and overseas, and guide the modernisation of many of the Defence Force’s military capabilities.

Public Consultation Information
The public consultation process for the Defence White Paper 2015 provides New Zealanders with the opportunity to give their views on the future security challenges facing the nation; the appropriate roles for our armed forces in responding to these challenges; and the capabilities that are most likely to be required to fulfil these. The results of these consultations will inform the development of the Defence White Paper 2015. NZDF believes that the views of RSA members are a crucial element of this process.

Click here to download the public consultation 

Making a Submission
You and your members are encouraged to make your views known on these important issues by 22 June 2015. You can do so by submitting written comments either using the online submission form on the Ministry of Defence Website - - by uploading or emailing completed submission forms to, or sending them to:

Defence White Paper 2015
Ministry of Defence
PO Box 12703


Public meetings

You also have the option of making an oral submission at one of the meetings which is being held around the country between 25 May and 10 June.  Click here to see the schedule of public meetings.