New Letter Mar 14

Please find attached March Newsletter (a little late but better late....).   Click here to see the news letter.

The newsletter contains a couple of great anecdotes from two of our WW2 veterans. I think they`re great, as we too often overlook that WW2 vets are still amongst us but that they won`t be here for a lot longer. Our Auckland group had the 3 monthly luncheon at Browns Bay RSA last Wednesday (six vets attended), so you can expect more tales from the front in the next issue. Veterans from Korea and SVN we would love to hear some of your stories as well.     There are also a couple of rather eclectic articles on the RSL in Australia, and `Things we will never see again` which also provide a bit of food for thought. Thanks again Marie.

I would urge all members to get out and support the 16 Field Regiment elements parading over ANZAC Day, details of locations are in the newsletter.

We are very thankful to Col (rtd) Peter Hanson for his generous support once again in sponsoring `Wreaths on ANZAC Day`, so just get a photo of 4 gunners together and we will pay for you to lay a wreath at the appropriate commemoration service, (once again see inside newsletter for details). May I express my appreciation to  those who have made donations.  They help us preserve the financial resources to carry out our role.  As a charity, donations to the Association (even if only $20) are tax-deductible.”
Best wishes to you all


Tony McLeod President, RNZA Assn