The New Zealand Gunner, #158, June 2013

The New Zealand Gunner is now online. Click here . . . Of great significance, read about the Reunion to be held in Palmerston North/Linton, in conjunction with 16 Field Regt, from Fri 18-Sun20 October 2013.

  • We need people to register early so that we have an idea of numbers for the formal dinner in the Linton Camp Mess on Sat 19 October, as the number of Association members attending may determine whether the serving soldiers are able to bring their partners.
  • Please plan and advise us EARLY. Late registrations may find they are too late!
  • You will ease the paperwork if you register on-line for the Reunion. The Registration Form will be on this website from next week (week commencing 24 June, with any luck).
  • You set up your account as a Member first, to update the electronic database, then add the Reunion bits.
  • Please don`t be deterred by the techo-aspects, ít's not that difficult: maybe a younger member of the family could help out for those who are not so computer savvy. (Peter Josephson, a Korean Vet from Auckland has done it, so don`t let it beat you!). The Reunion, under the organisation of Tom Roche, is shaping up to be an absolutely memorable one, so please try to get to it.