Pappy Patchin writes . . .

How good to get the newsletter.  How sad to read the names of some of our most famed members from World War II and Korea I have read and heard about, to those of my time with 161 Btry with the 173d.  Last Post continues to echo and we will remember them.

The 50th Anniversary of the founding of the 173d Airborne Brigade was celebrated at Ft. Benning, Georgia, USA on 23 March with a ceremonial washing of our memorial, which commemorates our achievements and our dead, in the morning.  The names and dates of death of those killed in action in Vietnam from the 173d, to include our New Zealand and Australian  brothers,were read in the afternoon.  Those from Iraq and Afghanistan were read at a candlelight ceremony that evening.  All the names were read by members and veterans of the Brigade, parents, children and  grandchildren read also.  The names from NZ and Australia were read by an Australian who made the trip to do this.

We know the answer to the question:  "What manner of men are these?" They are made by CPLs and SGTs and led by LTs and  CPTs.  They are not appreciated by those they protect, but still,they serve. Because of those with whom they serve they will die to save them, if necessary. Now we are older ladies and gentlemen, veterans, we are the youngest and oldest in uniform and we will remember. 

Bless them all.
