Presentation: The Auckland branch of the New Zealand Institute of International affairs

Fellow Gunners, Gregory Thwaite has asked us to advise the Gunner fraternity of the following event which some may find of interest. A presentation with the Auckland branch of the New Zealand Institute of International affairs, details as below.

16 May 2018, 6.00 pm-7.30 pm
Lecture Theatre, Old Government House, University of Auckland, Princes Street, Auckland.

“Mercenaries: the Free Market at War”. In effect, an analysis of the role of defence contractors in modern warfare. Dr Matthew Trundle, Professor of Classics at the University of Auckland, will provide the historical perspective from Classical Greece, while Ph.D. candidate Daniel Couch will comment from his expertise in education in New Zealand and Afghanistan. No entry fee, no allocated seating, no RSVP.

Click here for more details