RNZA Association AGM and Annual Reunion 2022


The Royal New Zealand Artillery Association Annual Reunion and Annual General Meeting 10-13 November 2022

Thursday 10/11 to Sunday 3/11

Richmond Club, London St, Christchurch


Thursday 10/11
Early arrival registration and Happy Hour (17:00 onwards)

Friday 11/11
· Christchurch Armistice Day Parade (10:50): Bridge of Remembrance
· Boat visit to inspect Fort Jervois disappearing guns 13:00: Lyttelton launch trip
· Happy Hour and Ode 17:00: With Christchurch RSA

Saturday 12/11
· Annual General Meeting 10:30
· Formal Regt Luncheon 13:30
· Happy Hour 17:00

Sunday 13/11
· Remembrance Service
· Dispersal to home Locs

Costs, registration process and full details will be advised shortly.
RNZAA Committee