Notes from RNZRSA Affiliates Meeting – 17 July 2013

From David Weston, our liaison with RNZRSA:

Delegates of some 15 RSA-affiliated organisations attended this meeting which was hosted by Lt Gen (rtd) Don McIver, National President of RNZRSA. During the meeting, a number of newly appointed staff of the RNZRSA National Office were introduced to the meeting. These people had been appointed following a review and restructuring of the National Office.

In his opening remarks, Don McIver highlighted a number of events and occasions:

  • RSA Centenary programme
  • War Pension Act rewrite
  • RSA image to younger veterans
  • National events – such as ANZAC of the Year Award, National Youth Speech competition, Cadet Community Award
  • RSA club failures – Question – “Did they deserve to succeed?” The issue is not new!
  • 60th Anniversary of the Armistice in Korea – Don was attending along with a group of veterans and representatives of 16 Fd Regt
  • Restructuring of National Office – no change since the 1950s

He then invited all present to introduce themselves and outline what their organisations were involved with at this time.

Major Agenda items

  • Rewrite of War Pensions Act – included comments by Rick Ottaway GM VANZ – drafting is under way but this Act must take its place in among over 100 other Acts being written or revised – PM and Min of Veterans Affairs intend Act to be enacted in time for 1st changes to be enacted by 1 July 2014 (generally those issues effecting existing veterans) with another set of changes taking effect 1 July 2015 (for future veterans – these tend to have a rehabilitation emphasis).
  • Revised Act will go before Select Committee for public submissions (about a 3 months process) – exact Select Committee yet to be decided (either Social Policy [1st choice] or Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade [2nd choice]).
  • A list of the Recommendations was issued late 2012 with note of those not accepted – these tended to fall within a small group of related areas (details of recommendations and acceptance on VANZ website).
  • The wording of the Beneficial Evidence provisions is being written in ‘modern’ language and law formats.
  • Claims Processes – proposed system of Initial Decision by VANZ staff based of “Statements of Principle” document (from overseas information related to effects of service in a variety of campaigns). 2nd Level Decision will be by panel including VANZ and RSA appointed panellists.

Support Services 

  • The second training package (Applying for a Pension) has been issued and Packages 3 and 4 are nearly complete (Vietnam Veterans, and Veterans post 1 April 1974). Other modules will follow later.
  • Government Funding of RSA Support Services – a smaller amount has been provided this year to cover expenses for Support Advisers and training costs (preparation of training packages).

RSA Business Development

The new Business Development Manager (David Moger) outlined his initial work involving immediate needs:

  • New income streams
  • Initiatives in ‘joint’ purchasing power
  • Leveraging off ANZAC Day activities

Plans for 2014+

  • Best Practice Guides for Clubs in Governance and Management
  • Reporting processes as Clubs and as a national group
  • Gaming and Liquor licensing changes/ issues
  • Customer satisfaction measuring
  • RSA Supporters
  • WW100 activities

At this point Don McIver made some very strong points about the need for clubs to move into 21st century urgently and without delay.


Lisa Ellingham spoke of the range of activities planned for the next few years – WW100, RSA centenary, etc. A PowerPoint presentation from Lisa will be available shortly with details of these events.

Aims of WW100 are to unite and engage all NZ, honour the ANZAC Spirit, provide a legacy for all NZ.
Proposed activities will include – DIY commemoration, ANZAC OnLine, Tell Us A Story, Mother’s Kitchen, ANZAC Salute.