Rod Baldwin

Some extracts from emails from Cheryl Baldwin

Were on cruise when Rod had stroke last thurs. We're offloaded by ambulance Friday morning when ship docked and been here (in Sri Lanka) ever since. Nightmare. Rods clot on right of brain so able to talk altho somewhat slurred coz left side of face drooped. Left arm no use but can walk with assistance. Care at hospital good -got top neurosurgeon – .......  Had all the tests, MRI etc and physio each day but going to be long haul.

Think some progress is being made. Doctor here finally sent report to NZ saying fit to travel so maybe once report assessed by medical team in NZ tickets can be organised. Hoping not too many more days. Not looking forward to the long journey tho. Rod gets a bit dizzy when sitting for too long so it wont be pleasant. Trying to make him walk a little more often during the day. Should have married a little man!!! as he is quite hard for me to manhandle. Hopefully on the long leg we will be put in business class, or him anyway, so he can lie down. ......... Hoping that he'll be transferred to hospital for assessment and entry into NZ system. Still our spirits are better.

Our thoughts and best wishes are with Rod, Cheryl and family