Exercise BEN CAT: Thank you

Open Letter to CO 16 Field Regt

Dear Lt Col Weston

On behalf of the RNZA Association may I thank you and your Officers, Warrant Officers,NCOs and gunners for hosting us on Exercise Ben Cat at Waiouru on Saturday 17 August 2013.

The day was once again truly memorable; the weather was typically Waiouru, sun shining one minute and rain, wind and cold next minute, and the location of the guns in the Paradise Valley with the OP on the ridgeline above, bought back memories for all of us who have ever live fired in Waiouru.

The hospitality of 163 Battery gunners on the gun-line and at the OP during the day was marvellous, with exchanges of conversation about procedures `now` compared to `back then`, hopefully allowing both old and current gunners to gain something from the experience. The hospitality extended to us at the bar-b-que and evening function in the Sergeants Mess  was also very special for the older guys, and we appreciated the effort your Regimental personnel went to to make us feel welcome.

We look forward to renewing the bonds formed during Ex Ben Cat 2012 and 2013 at the Reunion in Palmerston North and Linton over the weekend 18-20 October 2013.

Best wishes to you and all personnel in 16 Field Regt

Tony McLeod
President, RNZA Association