The Royal NZ Artillery Association Inc 83rd Annual Gathering - AGM 29TH September - 1st October 2017. Palmerston North

To be held at the Palmerston North Cosmopolitan Club, 29th September - 1st October 2017, 22 Linton Street, Palmerston North.

Programme Outline


1600hrs – Registration, relax, mix and mingle.


0930hrs- time for a quick ‘warmer’ at the Clubrooms, then an opportunity to visit the 16 Field Regiment Lines in Linton Camp. Returning approx 12noon.. (Optional extra)

(Please Note:  Lunch own arrangements.  The City has many relaxing Café’s and a mix of shopping available all adjacent to the venue.)
1315 – 1530 hrs -  The Association  AGM, to be held at the Club

1700 – 1730 hrs  Assemble at the Clubrooms and then transport departs for Linton for the highlight of the weekend, the Formal Dinner as guests of the Regiment.  Transport booked to return to the Club at approximately 10.45pm. (the cost of               the bus is included).  Dress :  Gents – Tie , jacket  with medals /miniatures. Ladies ,semi-formal.


100hrs -  Commemorative Service at the Club, followed by morning tea.  

Conclusion of the weekend celebrations. Departure.

Hotels and Motels that provided quality service to members attending previous reunions include:
• BK’S Motor Lodge: info@bkspalmerstonnorth,co,nz Ph 063535995

• Camelot Motor Lodge: 295
Ph 063554141
• Masonic Hotel:; Ph 358 3480

• Palmerston North Motel, 66 Linton St.; 063580681
• Distinction Palmerston North.; Ph 06 355 5895

• Copthorne:;
06 356 8059
• Coachman: ;  Ph06 356 5065
• PN Holiday Park, Approx 4kms from the Club. Ph 06 358 039

Cost is being finalised now, and registration forms will be available soon.