Updates on some matters

1. For those who do not know, WO1 Evan Kareko has handed over his pace stick at
16 Field Regiment to WO1 Wayne Mcasey. Evan has earned himself a place on the
USA Sgt Major School for a year and I know that all Gunners will wish him well
Also to Wayne, good luck with your new appointment “Keep your tube clean and
powder dry”


2. Do not forget the 26 May Gunner’s Day Dinner at Papakura RSA if you have not
received any information contact Peter Anderson anderson.pandr@clear.net.nz

3. Anyone wishing to purchase Military Memorabilia go to Military Memorabilia Ltd
www.milimem.com they are based in Henderson Auckland. Badges cap and beret,
you name it and you should find it. I received 2 beret badges in new condition, i.e. needed
a good scrub with brasso or shinio


4. It actually happened.
Paddy Fitzgerald was Q at School of Armour and with the impending visit by Govt
Auditors did a stock take. He was missing 4 Spadegs. He had never heard of them so
constructed 4 and would explain then as fittings for sight testing tank guns. The auditors
are not technically sound so would not be any the wiser.
Auditors duly arrive and do their stock take. “Hello Paddy what are these?” “They are
spadegs and are used for sight testing tank guns!”
“Paddy there has been a misprint in your Equipment Table, it should read Spade gs!”
For the uniformed gs is short for General Service. You guessed it WO2 Paddy Fitzgerald
Was an Irishman.

5. If anyone is interested in accommodation at the West Auckland RSA Village, Henderson,
you are advised to contact John Deazley, Pres EVSA. dezal173rd@hotmail.com


That’s all for now

Kindest regards
Graeme Black