Funeral of Edward “Ted O'Brian” Sergeant (rtd) 4G (Mdm) Bty

On 05/08/2014 Hamilton. Edward “Ted O'Brian” Sergeant (rtd) 4G with a large funeral was held, and then the family had a private cremation.
About 100 Gunners attended, and as well as a similar number of Teds civilian friend and work mates.
Colonel Hugh Vercoe gave an interesting speech on Ted’s Life in the Artillery, and his demand of a 5.5 Gun to be presented to Hamilton Military Gunners and Veterans.

The funeral most from 4G Battery and 161 Battery. Ted’s casket was covered with a Korwai (Cloak). Serving soldiers of the Regular Force fired 3 Volleys, and then followed by 4G songs rendition of the 4G Medium Haka and their Battery songs. Ted would have approved of the day’s service. UNIQUE !