Visiting British Gunner 16 Dec - 6 Jan, Wellington

Are any Wellington based members able to help with this request, below, that the RNZA Association has received from a visiting British gunner? I have emailed him to say there is unlikely to be a meeting over that period, and that quite a few people may be away out of town, but perhaps someone could catch up with him while he is in Wellington. If so, could you email him directly please.

Alan Connolly ( sent a message

Hello I am a Royal Artillery veteran of 23 years service 1979 - 2003. I am visiting New Zealand between 16 Dec and 6 Jan mostly staying with family in Wellington and wondered if there was a meeting I could attend if I had the opportunity. I am a member of the Royal Artillery Association Thirsk Branch
North Yorkshire. Once a Gunner always a Gunner.

Chris M