WW2 Signalers in 3 NZ Div & info in Radios & Procedures of that era

From:  Robert McAdam (rmcadam279@gmail.com)
Hi I'm currently researching my father’s war history which he has written but it needs more info added. I have bought several books notably the unofficial 3rd Div ones "The Gunners" and "HQ and Communications". There is a serious lacking of info on the part played by signallers in the Artillery in the Pacific. I'm happy to provide this story to you when complete. 

My request is can you put me in touch with any known artillery or signallers in general alive from WWII or people with an interest in this area? 
I know its a long shot as many are gone now. My father was the last of his unit alive but died in 2012. He was with the 35th Battery, 17th Field Regiment.

I'm particularly interested in the Wireless sets used and procedures in battle.  The 35th were in action several times shelling Japanese positions. I note on your sites you do not mention the role of signallers which I would have thought critical to the effectiveness of the artillery.

Please contact Robert if you can assist.