Brig (rtd) Geof  A Hitchings CBE

1931 Born 7 September 1931
1949 Entered RMC Duntroon
1952 Graduated as Lieutenant RNZA
1953 G3 Staff Appointment
1954 Posted Survey Officer 16 Field Regiment Korea
1955 Posted Adjutant 2 Field Regiment
1956 2 Field Regiment
1957 Air OP qualified
1959 Posted Battery Captain Fiji Coast Battery
1961 Posted Adjutant 16 Field Regiment Papakura
1962 US Command and General Staff College
1963 Promoted Major - CI Tactical School  
1964 SEATO Military Planning Office Thailand  
1967 Project Officer Army GS  
1968 Posted BC 161 Bty Vietnam  
1969 Promoted Lt Col – DRNZA/D Training Army GS. Awarded MBE  
1970 Australian JSSC  
1971 Posted D Plans Army GS  
1972 Assistant Head NZDLS Washington  
1976 Promoted Colonel – Commander Army Training Group Waiouru  
1979 RCDS London  
1980 Colonel SD Army GS  
1981 Promoted Brigadier – ACDS Ops and Plans Defence HQ  
1982 Commander Land Operations  
1984 Commander Land Force Command. Awarded CBE  
1985 Commander NZ Force SE Asia  
1986 Discharged 24 January  
1987-2004 Farming – Colonel Commandant 1994-1998  
2005 Retired