The RNZA Association Trophy 2011

The Recipient of the RNZA Trophy in 2011 was Sgt Patrick Thomas Brock.

Sgt Brock joined the British Army in 1995 and served in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Sierra Leone. He transferred to the New Zealand Army in 2006 and was employed in 163 Battery as an FO assistant. He served in East Timor in 2008 and then in Afghanistan in 2010 and 2011 as a JTAC (Joint Tactical Attack Controller). He is currently employed as the Battery Commander`s assistant of 163 Bty.

The Citation reads: Sgt Brock initially deployed on Operations in Afghanistan over the period March to October 2011 as a JTAC in support of 1 NZ SAS Group. Within a week of returning to NZ after this deployment Sgt Brock was again warned out for service for the same mission he had just left, as the need had been identified for an additional JTAC.

Within a period of approximately one week Sgt Brock organised his pre-deployment training, travel, and all other admin for the deployment with minimal assistance and at some considerable financial cost to himself. In accepting the deployment he put aside both his personal and trade advancement needs to fill the operational requirement.

The short notice deployment saw him change his plans to spend time with his partner on an overseas holiday after his first deployment, and withdraw from the RNZA Staff Sergeants Course. It should be noted that both deployments were in a high stress environment, with Sgt Brock`s role being a key one within the various operations.

His reporting from both deployments was excellent and shows the high regard he is held in by 1 NZ SAS Group.

Comments included:

"… was required to work long hours in a confined environment, often with little sleep and spare time. He maintained a positive, amicable attitude and maintained key relationships with supporting agencies."
"… showed good organisation and was calm throughout, ensuring there was no confusion and was integral to the successful conduct of the operation."
"… has been a key element within the HQ."

Sgt Brock's performance and selfless acceptance of the second short notice deployment shows his dedication to the NZDF, NZ Army, and The Royal Regiment of New Zealand Artillery. His cool head on stressful operations has set a high benchmark within 1 NZ SAS Gp for Gunner operators and has raised the profile of what Gunners can provide on operations.