RNZA Historic Trust; Letter to CEO RNZRSA

Good morning Stephen,

I am raising this issue with you as the CEO of RNZRSA as I think it may have considerable impact on the RSA movement as a whole.

I am a member of the RNZA Historical Trust recently established to locate and record all historic and heritage items of interest to the Royal Regiment of NZ Artillery, whether those items are in the possession of artillery units and organisations, or in the possession of others (such as RSAs).

Earlier this year, the Palmerston North RSA was placed in receivership and the various heritage and historic items owned by the association had to be purchased back from the receivers by an interested group that formed a trust to preserve these items.  I feel that a large number of RSAs could be put into a similar position if they were to reach a similar position financially - a very recent example could be the Johnsonville RSA!

While I do understand the relationship between RNZRSA and the RSAs, I consider that some advice from RNZRSA to member organisations regarding the safeguarding of the great wealth of valuable historic and heritage items held by the clubs would be appropriate. One of the key points identified in the research done leading up to the 2012 re-branding of RSA was the heritage collections of the Clubs - this must be preserved to the greatest degree possible.

David Westion