Update on Rod

Just hung up from talking with Cheryl at their hotel in Colombo but couldn’t speak with Rod as their wonderful physio was there working his magic on Rod’s face, arm and leg. The ever ingenious Cheryl has used her iPad to video what the physio is doing so that she can help Rod once they get home, especially if it takes a couple of days to get him into the NZ hospital system over the Easter period. She doesn’t want the healing to fall back through lack of physio.

This morning the insurance people rang and said that they are booked to fly out on Friday but Cheryl is waiting to get documentary evidence in her hot little hand before she believes it!! The doctor has recommended that they be upgraded to business class so that is something that Cheryl will need to chase up when the documents come through to the hotel reception where they will be printed out.

Today’s good news is that twice they have both walked to the lobby to sit and have a cappuccino and watch the passing throng for an hour. They did try the swimming pool area but the seating was not comfortable and the bugs were a pest so they enjoyed their lobby time which was very interesting.
Breakfast was delivered to their room this morning but tomorrow the plan is to go down to the restaurant so, as you can see, great progress is being made! Three cheers.

Cheryl says .......... the crisis is now over.


Pam and Mike