St Barbara's Day in Canterbury, 1st & 4th December 2013

Sunday 1 December

Picnic and tour of Godley Head

Drive Option
1100 hrs (or earlier). Optional pre RV coffee at “The Rock” Café, 22A the Esplanade Sumner.
1130 hrs. RV near intersection Wakefield Ave and Stoke St.
1137 hrs. Depart RV (Note the BG is a grumpy bastard and will NOT wait).
1155 hrs. Arrive Godley Head (5 minutes early for the 1200 place of parade).

Walk Option
1045 hrs. RV Taylor's Mistake car park. Depart NLT a gentle walk – takes about 50 minutes.
1155 hrs. Arrive Godley Head (5 minutes early for the 1200 place of parade).

Picnic and tour of Godley Head
1200 – 1400 hrs. Picnic and tour of the Battery position and other buildings. BYO food drinks etc.
Depart whenever.

Wednesday 4 December

Drinks at Speight’s Ale House, Bealey Ave.
1700 hrs onwards. Meet for a drink. Stay for a meal if you wish. Nothing formal.

Contact Skin Frances: Email or text 021 2168109