Information on arms used at the Battle of Orakau given by Chief Hitiri Te Paetata in 1888

Article from:  John Osborne Commandant NZACFRS

Some information you may find of interest: 

  • Report on the Battle of Orakau given by Chief Hitiri Te Paetata in 1888
  • Article on the Dirks of Captain Von Tempsky and Private Charles Sumsion NZ Forest Ranger who fort at Rangiaowhia 21 Feb 1864, Hairini 22 Feb 1864 and Orakau 31 March – 1st April 1864. 
  • Background on the War in NZ 1863 – 66 by Trooper West in the NZ Colonial Defence Force Cavalry, 11 January 1866.
  • Arms used by both sides at Rangiaowhia, Hairini and Orakau

Links hete to the following:

Battles at Rangiaowhia 21st andHairini 22nd February 1864

English Dirk fighting knife used by NZ Forest Ranger

The battle of Orakau, as given by the native chief Hitiri Te Paerata,Ngati Raukawa tribe in 1888.

The battle of Orakau; personal story told to Richard Burke by Trooper Westin the NZ Colonial Defence Force.


Reminder  31st  March – 1st and 2nd April (2014) is the 150th (sesquicentennial) Anniversary of the Battle at Orakau in the Waikato.   All enquiries  to Thia Priestly  email    Phone +64 7 878 7333