16 Fd Regt Update as at 19 March 14

(Note from web master:  Many thanks to Captain John Garton Adjutant 16th Field Regiment)

Positions effective as of 9 Dec 13

CO   LT Col Andy Shaw, RNZA
RSM   WO1 Wayne McAsey, RNZA, MNZM
XO   Maj Tony Robinson, RNZA
Adjt   Capt John Garton, RNZA
BC 161  Maj John Gordon, RNZA
BSM 161  WO2 Richie Theodore, RNZA
BC 163   Maj Sam Bayley, RNZA
BSM 163  WO2 Richard Clutterbuck, RNZA
BC 11/4  Capt Darren Young, RNZA
Cadre Off 11/4  Lt Craig Deal, RNZA
QM    Lt Mike Tatana, RNZALR
RQMS  WO2 Dave Alexander, RNZALR
OC Wksps Capt Kurt Andersen, RNZALR
ASM   WO2 Allen Bailey, RNZALR

Posting in

2Lt Michael Witty
2Lt Joshua Wright
SSgt Williams
Cpl Allan

Upcoming Activities (The Regt will have pers supporting the following activites)

Ex HELLFIRE   5 – 16 May (supporting the School of Artillery)
Ex ALAM HALFA  10 – 25 May (1 NZ Bde)
Ex AQUA TERRA  5 – 23 May (FPDA CPX based in NZ)
Ex BRIMSTONE  9 – 20 Jun (supporting the School of Artillery)
Ex RIMPAC   16 Jun – 31 Jul (Hawaii)
Ex HAMEL   7 – 27 Jul (Townsville)
Primus Training   8 – 26 Aug (Singapore)
Ex TAIAHA TOMBUK 18 Aug – 6 Sept (Malaysia)
Ex BEN CAT   Sep dates TBC
Ex SUMAN WARRIOR 8 – 26 Sep (CPX in Waiouru)
Ex QUAD ENJOYABLE 13 – 24 Oct (supporting the School of Artillery)
Ex KIWI KORU   1 – 16 Nov (1 NZ Bde)
CANZEX    Dates TBC (Gagetown, Canada)

As you can see 2014 is shaping up to be a very busy year of exercises for most of the Regt. We have already had pers on Ex THUNDER WARRIOR with the Singaporeans manning the Primus 155mm SPH in Jan. 161 Bty are conducting Ex Miriyang over pd 17 – 23 Mar, firing mortars in the dismounted role. 6 pers will deploy on Ex RIMPAC to Hawaii to attend a FSCC cse then run the FSCC for the live firing phase of the ex. Ex HAMEL will see a mortar troop deploy to Townsville. Approx 12 pers will attend Primus conversion training in Singapore in Aug, then man 2 guns on Ex THUNDER WARRIOR 15. Pers and dates for CANZEX are a work in progress.

The introduction of the LINAPS (Laser Inertial Navigation Automatic Pointing System) system on to the Light Gun is currently in progress. Combined with the gun rebuild being conducted by BAE in Australia, this brings us to the latest std for the Light Gun and equal if not better than allies. Sights fogging up, scales slipping, displacement by recce parties will be a shortly be forgotten except by us old and bold. LINAPS has a built in GPS that is accurate to well within terminal accuracies; Gyro ring lasers provide the accuracy for bearing and elevation (including trunion tilt). 
We will be hosting 12 US pers on Ex Hellfire.