Request for photos of the 161 Bty telephone exchange, Nui Dat, from Luke

Hi guys. I'm the son of an Australian 3RAR 67-68 Vietnam Veteran who received direct fire support from the 161 battery for almost the entire tour.  Your shells got him out of deep sh*t on more than one occasion so my hat is off to you one and all.

I travel regularly to Vietnam and spend most of my time in places the task force operated - firstly because I am interested in exploring those places, and secondly because I think they are some of the most fantastic places in modern Vietnam today!  For travelers who have been back to Nui Dat, anyone who hasn't been over there for a year or so will not know the old pearly gates that have stood for so long at the rear entrance to the Dat have now been bulldozed and the rickety old road has been sealed and widened into a highway through the old base. 

That said, one of the first and most interesting relics of the ANZAC occupation is still the underground portion of the 161 telephone exchange near the old north south road through the base.  I'm told this is the second exchange that was built and not the one that was hit by lightning during the Battle of Long Tan. Many times  I've stopped there to reflect on the NZ gunners achievements and wondered what that bunker looked like back in the day. 

I've not been able to find any images of it online and am wondering if perhaps a Muzzle Flashes reader may be able to shed some light and even a pic or two? Any help appreciated. Well done you blokes.

Responses to Luke please,  at: