Op Ubique "To organise, restore, and maintain the artillery collection and associated equipment (Guns, FACE, Cymbaline, Predictors, Gun stores etc)"

The Assn is facilitating through me the visitation to Waiouru of teams of both previously and currently serving Gunners to work on the School of Artillery collection presently in the care of the Museum.
We need pers with experience in all equipments including those who have served on the like of 5.5 and 3.7 or M101A1, Cymbaline etc along so as to have thier knowledge on hand when attempting to bring in/out of action, move or maintain the said equipments to ensure its done correctly and safely. We also just need numbers to physicaly lift said guns.

Point of contact is Colin Jansen:  worldwar2jeep@orcon.net.nz

The details are:

When: Last weekend of every month (Individuals can come as often as they are able)

Where: Waiouru Camp, Pi-⁠range and School of Artillery Museum Gun Park

Why: To organise, restore, and maintain the artillery collection and associated equipment (Guns, FACE, Cymbaline, Predictors, Gun stores etc)

Who: Any Gunner or fit and able bodied individual who has an interest and relevant skill.

Billets: In one man transit barrack rooms (No Charge)

Messing: In the 800 man mess (Breakfasts/⁠dinners and packed lunches)

Equipment: There are tools and equipment on site but the Gun teams and Vehicle teams are in at the same time so well worth bringing your own when required so as not having to fight over their use.

Consumables: The like s of WD40, rags old, sand paper, OM13 etc provided by Army

Orders of Dress: Neat clothes and covered foot-ware for the Mess just as it was back in the day. Bring your steel cap or sturdy boots and overalls, beanie etc for working in the Gun park or workshop.

Arrival: Sat and Sun are the actvity days and you can arrive early Saturday morning or you are welcome to arrive late Friday afternoon/.evening if that works best for you. If arriving very late your barrack keys will be held at the DSS Night Manager Office for you. If arriving in time for dinner on Friday you must advise me so we can have you cattered for.

Point of Contact: For those wishing to attend each month, they MUST contact Colin Jansen (Me) noting their name and rego of the car they will be entering camp in at least ONE WEEK prior to the date of the activity weekend so i can advise Waiouru of numbers attending for Rations & Quarters and security purposes.

Any other questions feel free to ask, Regards

Colin Jansen