"TAKE POST" for Christchurch Gunners Day dinner

Hi to all.

Responses are GREAT to date, as we have 30+ attending.

But we know you often need the order “TAKE POST”, to get you moving and commit to attending our dinner.

The Gunners below HAVE (thanks for your responses). Click here for details of the dinner.

Attendance (and those who have paid) for the Gunners Day Dinner Fri 26 May:

First Surname Attend PAID (yes)
Mike Dennis 1
Martin Donavan 1
Mike Fitzgerald 1
Adrienne Fraser 1 Yes
Grant Hunter 1
Donovan Martin 1
Ted Shears 1 Yes
Nick Sinclair 1 Yes
Neil & Jen Stewart 1
Grant Taylor 1 Yes
Dave Westgrath 1
Skin & Jill Frances 2 yes
Mike MacAskill 2 yes
Allan & Liz McClure 2
Tim Simpson 2
Dick & Charmaine Wilson 2
Pat Duggan 3 1 yes
Ruru & Annie Hona 3
Graeme Hutchenson 4 yes
Philip Bellamy No
Paul & Pauline Fergus No
Mike & Susan Harvey No
Mayne Manson No
Laurrie Mitten No
Graeme Sydney no
Rick & Margaret Williams No
Willie Wilson No