Thoughts from Ron Cross

Greetings, I'm sure that you'll have a grand time in Linton Camp and I'm disappointed that other commitments prevent me from attending. 

My first trip to Linton was in 1953 (as the RSM of my school cadet unit at Christchurch Technical College) and my other three were Regular Officer Selection Boards.  Those "trips" combine in my story of that era  =  one as a school boy, one as an unpromoted 1955/56 RF Cadet and the third (successful one) as a Platood Sergeant sent back to NZ from Les Pearce's 1st Battalion in Terendak/Malaya.   Additionally,  I wouldn't be surprised if some of the old barrack huts of those days are still in use today . . . if so, hope it doesn't rain too much while you're there.   In case you're wondering . . . I did manage to squeeze in six years in the RNZA, mostly as a 25pdr - 4.2 in Mortar Bdr - Battery Clerk in 163 Bty, Burnham 1960/61 before switching to the clerical side for a while.  The rest of my resume needs a quaff or two to make the telling less boring.   My Army life was never that . . . . and always fun.

Please pass on my best wishes to our fellow Gunners who will be with you for the AGM, etc. 

Best regards,