9 RAR Reunion attended by RNZA Gunners

David Weston, Graeme Ready, Peter Miles and Nev Mersky have all attended the 9RAR reunion in Adelaide this week - 50 years since they were raised in Keswick barracks, Adelaide (November 1967) after 3 RAR sailed for South Vietnam - 9RAR replaced them in 1 ATF 1 year later.  The four New Zealand attendees were all members of David Weston's FO party (c/s33) from Nov 68 until March when Peter RTNZ, and then May when David started his wind-down prior to RTNZ.

Photo of our four Kiwi gunners at the reunion with the Australian Governor General, General Sir Peter Cosgrove AK, MC, who is also a 9RAR Vietnam veteran.

They also featured alongside Gen. Cosgrove in the TV report at the link below
