The New Zealand Gunner, Issue 179

Dear fellow Gunners,

Happy New Year to you all.

I would like to welcome Woody Barrett on board as our new editor.  I am very sorry that we havent been in a position to send out the December 17 edition earlier, but we have now got things sorted and we look forward to lots of contributions from ALL interested members for future editions. Contributions can be submitted to Woody via email at

Please make a note that the 2018 Reunion/AGM will be held in Dunedin over Labour Weekend 19-21 October 18. Lets get in behind Robbie Gardiner and the boys from the deep south.  There will be a very full and interesting program of activities so book early.

Your elected committee have already had their first meeting and we are working towards four major objectives:

1. Maintain contact with previous generations of Assn flag holders, in particular our Vietnam era of Gunners.
2. Provide a strengthened base for the development of the esprit de corps of our TF Batteries (established and non-established)
3. Develop stronger relations with the post Vietnam era (1972-present) of Gunners, with emphasis on operational deployment groupings.
4. Strengthen our relationship with the serving soldiers of 16 Fd Regt.

These objectives require a team effort to achieve, so if anyone thinks they may be able to contribute in any way, please let us know.  Colin Jansen's Op Ubique, which gathers Gunners together to maintain equipments around the country, is a wonderful example of how we may meet our objectives and achieve our comradeship goals.

My best wishes for a great 2018 for you all

Click this link to read or download The New Zeland Gunner Issue 179.


Tony McLeod
RNZA Association