Details of Coral Balmoral UGC parade to be held at 16th Field Regiment, Linton Military Camp; Friday 5 April 1300hrs

Good morning all, 

Applications for this award are now flowing in steadily. Those who want the insignia couriered to them without any parade are encouraged to note that on the application form.  

The Australian High Commission have confirmed that MAJ GEN Greg Bilton will be at this parade to present citation insignia to qualified recipients. If you would like to be there - complete your application (attached) asap and the insignia will be taken to Linton for presentation to you.

Families of deceased gunners are able to receive the insignia on his behalf – the family chooses who should receive it – again an application is required.

For any other gunners that are intending to attend in support – please send an email with a full list of names in your party to Jack Hayes –

This will allow the CO and his team to have enough rations for you all.  You will be required to show photo ID at the gate. Please advise Jack no later than Fri 29 March to allow the Regt time to get organised. We suggest you team up to reduce the number of cars so please ‘car pool’ as far as you can. You need to plan to be at the Camp gate by 12.30 pm as the parade will start promptly at 1.00 pm.  

We repeat again that there will be more presentation parades around the country over the next six months – a schedule of these is being prepared now with the active support of the Australian High Commission team and after discussion with the Gunners Assn Executive.

Finally, Veterans’ Affairs have advised that if veterans believe they need some travel assistance to get to Linton – please contact your Case Manager and they will be able to advise what they can do for you. 

I look forward to seeing you there at Linton Camp. 


Jack Hayes
Adviser Medals Policy

Heritage Commemorations and Protocol Group

Freyberg Building, 20 Aitken St,

Private Bag 39997


Tony McLeod
RNZA Association