William John Olsen

Bill was born on 19 Dec 1944 in Dunedin. He attended King Edward Technical High School, and the University of Otago (part time) where he completed his Bachelor of Commerce degree when he was 45.

He was employed as a radio engineer for the first 10 years after leaving school, followed by 12 years as Branch Manager of Group Rentals NZ Ltd. He then spent 7 years as Regional Civil Defence Officer for Otago Regional Council.

At age 20 he did his basic training in the 11th intake National Service, July 1965, and was then posted to 31 Battery, 3 Fd Regt. RNZA, December 1965 (BC Arnold Hayman - BSM Graeme Henderson).

In 1970 he moved to HQ Battery 3Fd Regt, and when 3 Fd Regt was disbanded in 1990 he moved to 32 Battery, 16 Fd Regt. (32 Battery moved to independent status in 1992 and remained so until disbanded in 1997.

Bill ended up as the last BSM of 31 (B) Battery and he retired in 1994, aged 50, after 18 years as a Warrant Officer.