Canterbury Activities

The Canterbury District Coordinator is Brian (Skin) Frances.  0-3832967 (hm), 021-2168109 or email

District Events

Warning Order:  St Barbara's Day - Sun 4 Dec

Mission:  Celebrate St Barbara's day informal gathering at the new Christchurch Memorial RSA, 74 Armagh St.


Date:           Sun 4 Dec
Time:          From about 1100

Location:  the “NEW” Christchurch Memorial RSA, 74 Armagh St. There is a Wilsons Carpark beside the RSA. 

Who:            Gunners, partners and close associates of Gunners.  

Cost:             Own cost.  RSA has a great menuI

Format:     FUN mandatory – no “starch or bullshit”. 



Any questions contact:

Before 12 May:
Skin Frances:  Hm 3832967, Cell 021-2168109, or  (I am in Aussie 12 – 24 May)


After 12 May:
Pete Dawson :  Hm 03-3180859, Cell 021-334381, or